Privacy Policy

By using this website, and/or submitting your contact details via the forms on this website, you agree to receive promotional messages and phone calls via email, phone, or other means of communication. Our executives will call you to share the details of our properties and other offers. You agree that by use of this website and sharing your contact details via forms on this website, you agree to receive sales messages/calls/email/other messages from our executives & associates, overriding your choice or registry in Do Not Call or another registry. Your personal details are not shared with anyone other than our executives and associates. We do not collect any personally identifiable information without your explicit acceptance or action, such as filling out and sending inquiry forms. We use advertising on your websites, and your visits can be tracked to serve ads, improve website experience, provide personalized advertising or content, and, but not limited to, Remarketing ads. We and/or third-party services used on this website make use of cookies and other tracking mechanisms to gather information for providing personalized content and ads. Your IP, browser, and other personally non–identifiable information is automatically collected. This privacy policy can be changed or revised without prior notice. You are bound to follow the privacy policy along with the terms of use of the website.

Updated: 2 September 2022

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer (“Disclaimer”) will be applicable to the Website. By using or accessing the Website you agree with the Disclaimer without any qualification or limitation. This is not the official website of the developer, but an information website by an agent for the developer. The Websites and all their content are provided with all faults on an “as is” and “as available” basis. No information given under this Website creates a warranty or expands the scope of any warranty that cannot be disclaimed under applicable law. Your use of the Website is solely at your own risk. This website is for guidance only. It does not constitute part of an offer or contract. The content of this website IS ONLY FOR REFERENCE & MIGHT NOT PROVIDE THE ACTUAL OFFERINGS & SPECIFICATIONS in terms of the stipulations/recommendations under the Real Estate Regulation Act, 2016 and Rules made thereunder (“RERA”). You are therefore required to verify all the details, including area, amenities, services, terms of sales and payments, and other relevant terms independently with the sales team/ company prior to concluding any decision for buying any unit(s) in any of the said projects. The information on this website will not be construed as an advertisement. To find out more about a project/development, please call our sales centers or visit our sales office during opening hours and speak to one of our sales staff. In no event will the Company be liable for claims made by the users, including seeking any cancellation for any of the inaccuracies in the information provided on this Website, though all efforts have to be made to ensure accuracy. The Company will under no circumstance be liable for any expense, loss, or damage including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any expense, loss, or damage whatsoever arising from use, or loss of use, of data, arising out of or in connection with the use of this website. Any reference to a third-party name, logo, or trademark used on this website belongs to the respective owners. We are NOT related to the companies in any manner as to be deemed as legally related to the same. We DO NOT claim to be related to the companies in any manner, except when acting as a service provider to the companies.